元旦元旦(New Year’s Day),即公历的1月1日,是世界多数国家通称的“新年”。元,谓“始”,凡数之始称为“元”;旦,谓“日”;“元旦”意即“初始之日”。
柯林斯COBUILD词典是这么说的:New Year's Dayis the first day of the year. In Western countries this is the 1st of January. 元旦节是新年的第一天。在西方国家,元旦节是一月一日。
因此“元旦”叫New Year’s Day
它的英文说法是New Year's Eve
“celebrate New Year’s Eve”
千万别说成:Cross the year(×)
例句:①People from different parts of the world celebrate New Year’s Eve in different ways.来自世界各地的人会用不同的方式跨年。②Where are you going to celebrate New Year’s Eve?你要去哪里跨年呢?
In the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Eve (also known as Old Year's Day or Saint Sylvester's Day in many countries), the last day of the year, is on December 31.
In many countries, New Year's Eve is celebrated at evening social gatherings, where many people dance, eat, drink, and watch or light fireworks. Some Christians attend a watchnight service.
The celebrations generally go on past midnight into New Year's Day, January 1.
hold a house party 举办家庭派对
attend street parties 参加街头派对
dance the night away 跳舞跳通宵
watch the fireworks 看烟火
go to a concert 去看演唱会
hit the bar 去酒吧
pray at a church 教堂祷告
have a buffet dinner 吃一顿自助餐晚餐
New Year's resolution 新年决心(相当于新年愿望/计划)
Most other countries usually hold public new year countdown parties.
new year countdown=新年倒数计时
new year countdown concert
模仿例句中的new year countdown parties
1)Today is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.
2)Thank U, Next - Me to 2021.
3)Less bitter, more glitter.
4)Out with the old, in with the new.
5)And finally here we go: 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…! Happy New Year! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!
6)Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
7)May your new year sparkle and shine.
8)Tonight’s the night the world begins again.
9)Cheers to the people who love us, the losers who lost us, and the lucky bastards who get to meet us this year.
10)New year. New feels. New breathe. New chances. Same dreams, fresh starts. I dare you to believe in yourself. You deserve all things magic.
11)Don’t look back. You are not going that way.
12)I can’t wait to control-alt-delete, and start a new.
13)I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.
元旦的由来(中英文)Yuan "have a beginning of Italy,"denier "means the time and the dawn general refers to the daytime. New Year's day, is the first day of the year." New Year's day, the word from the earliest sishi XiaoZiYun the dielectric jas beam people poems: four gas new New Year's day, WanShouChu today. "The song dynasty wu self" the dream LiangLu volume a" first "entries: the ShuoRi, is known as the New Year's day, common cry for the New Year.In the past dynasties on June 21 is not uniform. In the first month, system of shang, zhou dynasty in December month in November, qin shihuang unified after six month, and the first day in October for New Year's day, has not changed since past dynasties (shiji). In the beginning, yuan emperor, sima qian created the "the beginning calendar", this ability again with the first day of the first lunar New Year's day, and took provisions as, say again so "XiaLi", have been used to the revolution of 1911. The republic of China in order to establish, sun yat-sen, so summer "line is the farming; from the western, so that statistics", set the first month (New Year's day), and for the Spring Festival in the western calendar January 1st as New Year's day.In contemporary, New Year's day, refers to the Christian era at the first day. Since the western introduced into China, New Year's day after a word was dedicated to the New Year, the traditional JiuLiNian says the Spring Festival.And before this, New Year's day is always the first day of the lunar year means. Yuan is "beginning" "beginning" mean, denier means "day", New Year's day, the company that is "initial day", also is the first day of the year. On sep. 27, 1949 the Chinese people's political consultative conference the first tentative plenary session resolution: "the People's Republic of China by the Christian confence approved, that is what we call the solar calendar, in order to distinguish the lunar New Year, and two to the solar calendar in view of the lunar year" of "24 solar terms in just before and after the lunar New Year, so he put on the lunar calendar renamed" Spring Festival ", the solar calendar as "New Year's day on January 1, thus, the New Year's day to become national people's joy festival.Celebration of the New Year began to celebrate the New Year's day is, countries in the world over the common custom. In our country, but also on the national holidays. China and the most countries in the world, district the Gregorian calendar dating method, the January 1st as the beginning of the New Year, called the "New Year's day".Because of the longitude of the world in different locations, countries of time is also different, accordingly, "new date there are also different. Such as Oceania located in the west of the RiJieXian island-state, it is the first day of the first place, also be to celebrate New Year's country. Located in the east side of the RiJieXian XiSaMaYa is the world's most late start a new day of place. According to the calendar to count, our country is the world's first start New Year 12 countries。元”有始之意,“旦”指天明的时间,也通指白天。元旦,便是一年开始的第一天。“元旦”一词,最早出自南朝梁人萧子云《介雅》诗:“四气新元旦,万寿初今朝。”宋代吴自牧《梦梁录》卷一“正月”条目:“正月朔日,谓之元旦,俗呼为新年。我国历代元旦的月日并不一致。夏代在正月初一,商代在十二月初一,周代在十一月初一,秦始皇统一六国后,又以十月初一日为元旦,自此历代相沿未改(《史记》)。汉武帝太初元年时,司马迁创立了“太初历”,这才又以正月初一为元旦,和夏代规定一样,所以又称“夏历”,一直沿用到辛亥革命。中华民国建立,孙中山为了“行夏正,所以顺农时;从西历,所以便统计”,定正月初一(元旦)为春节,而以西历(公历)1月1日为新年。在当代,元旦指公元纪年的岁首第一天。自西历传入我国以后,元旦一词便专用于新年,传统的旧历年则称春节。而在此之前,元旦一直是指农历岁首第一天的。元是“初”“始”的意思,旦指“日子”,元旦合称即是“初始的日子”,也就是一年的第一天。1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一界全体会议决议:“中华人民共和国纪年采用公元纪年法”,即是我们所说的阳历,为了区别农历和阳历两个新年,又鉴于农历二十四节气中的“立春”恰在农历新年的前后,因此便把农历正月初一改称为“春节”,阳历一月一日定为“元旦”,至此,元旦才成为全国人民的欢乐节日。庆贺新年的开始,欢度元旦可说是世界各国各地区的普遍习俗。在我国,还列入了国定假日。我国和世界上大多数国家、地区采用公历纪年法,把1月1日定为新年的开始,称作“元旦”。由于世界各国所处的经度位置不同,各国的时间也不同,因此,“元旦”的日期也有不同。如大洋洲的岛国汤加位于日界线的西侧,它是世界上最先开始的一天的地方,也是最先庆祝元旦的国家。而位于日界线东侧的西萨摩亚则是世界上最迟开始新的一天的地方。按公历计,我国是世界上第12个开始新年的国家。